Infrastructure Compliance

a. Firewall:

A firewall is a stateful Packet inspection device that can apply on network layer access control to packets passing through of the most important features of a basic UTM is must include extensive logging for analysis.
.As files are uploaded or downloaded, they pass through the firewall and it can do a basic inspection. In most cases, this will be done on available signature-based analysis, looking at checksums and scanning inside the file for patterns of bytes that have been seen in known malware in the past. This feature obviously requires that files are not encrypted and the firewall has a recently updated set of signatures patterns.
We also provide service for firewall log monitoring as per customer requirement.


The certification offers benefits for you such as:
• Provides for a systematic identification and management of risks
• Enables independent review of data security practices
• Provides a holistic, risk-based approach to secure information
• Provides transparency and credibility to stakeholders
• Provides internationally accepted criteria
• Creates a market differentiation

Once an organization is certified, it is recognized globally which give it access to all market in the world.